How to Send WhatsApp Messages Without Save Number

This is how to send WhatsApp messages without saving a number, it can be used on Android, iPhone, or on a laptop. WhatsApp is one of the most essential messaging applications and is used by most people in the world.

That is why, in order to maximize and make it easier for users to send messages, in the form of text, images, video or audio. WhatsApp continues to develop new features with the aim that users can be comfortable and more practical when sending messages, one of which is the “Click to Chat” feature.

How to Send WhatsApp Messages Without Save Number

Well, this feature allows you to send messages and even make phone calls without having to save the number you want to go to first. As is known, the main requirement to be able to communicate via WhatsApp is that users must save the number of the person they want to contact in the phone book or contact list.

So how do you send WhatsApp messages without saving the number? Here’s how to send WhatsApp messages without saving the number.

  • Open the browser on your phone
  • Next, in the URL field type “” (without spaces and quotes)
  • Also type the contact number you want to call behind the “/” sign, with the prefix of the Indonesian country code “62” without zero (0), for example “”
  • After that, click Enter and wait a few moments until the application interface (API) page appears with the option “Continue to Chat” or “Click to Chat”
  • Click on the option and allow the site to open your WhatsApp app
  • Then, you will be redirected to a chat room with the contact number you entered earlier in the WhatsApp application
  • To start sending WhatsApp messages, you only need to type a message in the chat field and then send it as usual.

In addition, the Click to Chat feature can also create chats along with message content automatically. To make it, users can follow these steps.

That’s today’s discussion about how to send WhatsApp messages without saving a number. Hopefully our article above is useful for you and thank you for visiting to read our posts.

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