How to Get Mewtwo in Pokémon Go: A Detailed Guide

How to Get Mewtwo in Pokémon Go: A Detailed Guide – Mewtwo, the legendary Psychic-type Pokémon, has long been a fan favorite in the Pokémon series, and catching it in Pokémon Go is a highly sought-after goal for many trainers. Known for its incredible stats and devastating Psychic-type moves, Mewtwo is not only one of the most powerful Pokémon in the game but also one of the rarest. So, how can you get Mewtwo in Pokémon Go? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to catch Mewtwo, explore the different methods it has been made available, and offer some tips to help you add this legendary Pokémon to your collection.

About Mewtwo’s Availability Pokémon Go

Mewtwo isn’t always available in Pokémon Go like many other Pokémon that appear in the wild. Instead, Niantic, the developers behind Pokémon Go, typically make Mewtwo available for limited periods through special events, raids, and sometimes as part of specific promotions.

1. Historical Context: How Mewtwo Was First Introduced

Mewtwo was first introduced in Pokémon Go in 2017 as part of the game’s EX Raid system, where players had to receive special invitations to participate in raids to have a chance at catching Mewtwo. Since then, Niantic has made Mewtwo available through several other events, raids, and sometimes through special research tasks.

2. Common Ways Mewtwo Has Appeared:

  • EX Raids: A special type of raid requiring an invitation, where Mewtwo was first made available.
  • Five-Star Raid Battles: Occasionally, Mewtwo is featured in five-star raids, which are typically available for limited periods.
  • Events: Mewtwo has also been made available through special events, such as Pokémon Go Fest or during specific anniversary celebrations.
  • Special Research Tasks: In rare cases, Mewtwo can be encountered by completing special research tasks tied to limited-time events.

Catching Mewtwo in Five-Star Raid Battles

One of the most common ways Mewtwo is made available in Pokémon Go is through five-star raid battles. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you successfully participate in these raids and catch Mewtwo.

Step 1: Keep an Eye on Special Announcements

Mewtwo is not always available in raids, so the first step is to stay informed about when Mewtwo will appear. Niantic frequently announces upcoming raid bosses on their official social media channels, in-game notifications, and community forums. These events are often part of larger events like a Legendary Raid Hour or themed weeks. Once you know Mewtwo is coming to five-star raids, you can prepare to take it on.

Step 2: Find a Raid Near You

Once Mewtwo is in rotation, you’ll need to find a nearby five-star raid featuring Mewtwo. These raids appear at local gyms, and you can see them by looking at your in-game map. If you have a Raid Pass (for in-person raids) or a Remote Raid Pass (for joining from afar), you’ll be able to participate.

Step 3: Join the Raid with a Strong Team

Mewtwo is a Psychic-type Pokémon, which makes it vulnerable to Dark, Bug, and Ghost-type Pokémon. You’ll want to assemble a team of powerful Pokémon to help you defeat Mewtwo during the raid. Some great options include:

  • Tyranitar (Dark/Rock type) with Bite and Crunch.
  • Gengar (Ghost/Poison kind) accompanied by Shadow Ball and Lick.
  • Darkrai (Dark type) with Snarl and Shadow Ball.
  • Chandelure (Ghost/Fire type) with Hex and Shadow Ball.

Make sure to also team up with other trainers! Mewtwo is a tough raid boss and will require a coordinated effort to defeat. Try to find a group of at least 5-6 high-level players to take on the challenge together.

Step 4: Defeat Mewtwo and Enter the Catching Phase

Once you’ve successfully defeated Mewtwo in the raid, you’ll be given the opportunity to catch it. This is where things can get tricky. Mewtwo has a high catch rate, meaning it’s not guaranteed that you’ll be able to catch it even after winning the raid.

Here are a few tips to increase your chances of catching Mewtwo:

  • Use Golden Razz Berries: These items significantly increase your chances of catching a Pokémon, and should always be used when trying to catch Mewtwo.
  • Throw Curveballs: Throwing a curveball gives you a higher catch rate than a regular throw. Practice spinning the ball before tossing it to land a perfect curveball.
  • Aim for the “Excellent” Throw: The smaller the catching circle, the better. Wait until the circle is small and aim for an “Excellent” throw to maximize your chances.

Special Research Tasks to Get Mewtwo

In rare cases, Mewtwo has been made available through special research tasks. These are usually tied to major in-game events and often require completing a series of objectives before being rewarded with a Mewtwo encounter.

Step 1: Complete Event-Specific Research

During special events, check for event-specific research tasks that may offer a Mewtwo encounter as a reward. These tasks can vary widely but typically include goals like catching specific types of Pokémon, winning battles, or participating in raids. Completing these tasks within the event period is crucial to ensuring you unlock your Mewtwo encounter.

Step 2: Look Out for Special “Timed” or “Field” Research

Occasionally, Mewtwo may be tied to timed or field research tasks. These tasks are often given to players as part of larger events and are time-sensitive, so be sure to log into the game regularly to check for any new tasks related to catching Mewtwo.

Other Tips for Getting Mewtwo

Aside from five-star raids and research tasks, there are a few other strategies you can employ to get Mewtwo in Pokémon Go:

1. Participate in Pokémon Go Fest

Niantic’s annual Pokémon Go Fest often features exclusive or rare Pokémon, including Mewtwo. Keep an eye out for announcements about Go Fest and be prepared to participate in special raids or research tasks that may include a Mewtwo encounter.

2. Trade with Other Players

If you’re unable to catch Mewtwo yourself, you may be able to trade for it with another trainer. Keep in mind that Mewtwo is a legendary Pokémon, so trading for it will require a large amount of stardust. Make sure to stock up on stardust before attempting this trade, and check that your friend has a Mewtwo they’re willing to trade.

3. Use a Remote Raid Pass

If you can’t find a Mewtwo raid near you, don’t worry. You can use a Remote Raid Pass to participate in Mewtwo raids happening anywhere in the world. These passes allow you to join raids from a distance, making it easier to find and catch Mewtwo during special events.

Shiny Mewtwo: A Rare Opportunity

On some occasions, Niantic has released Shiny Mewtwo as part of special events or raid battles. Shiny Mewtwo is even rarer than its regular form and boasts a unique color palette. If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Mewtwo after defeating it in a raid, but remember that the odds of encountering a Shiny version are very low. Keep participating in raids during events that feature Shiny Mewtwo to increase your chances of finding one.


Catching Mewtwo in Pokémon Go is an exciting and rewarding challenge. Whether you’re participating in five-star raids, completing special research tasks, or trading with friends, having Mewtwo in your team is a major achievement. Stay updated on upcoming events, prepare your team with strong counters, and follow the tips in this guide to improve your chances of adding Mewtwo to your Pokémon collection.

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