How to Clear WhatsApp Cache on Android

The use of features or applications via a browser or smartphone will generate cache. Every application, including WhatsApp, has a cache that is stored in storage files or device memory.

This cache should be cleaned regularly. Information that is automatically stored by the browser or this application if it accumulates for too long can become a burden on the device.

How to Clear WhatsApp Cache on Android

So that application performance as well as smartphone performance can be hampered, become sluggish and no longer as smooth as before.

If you find that the WhatsApp application is slower to download files, it could be because the cache has been piled up too much. This cache stack comes from data usage in the form of sending videos, stickers, voice messages, photos and so on.

Clearing the cache directly from WhatsApp Reporting from India Today, you can directly clear the cache from the currently active WhatsApp application. Here’s how:

  • Open the WhatsApp application.
  • Tap on the three dots present at the top right of the app.
  • Select “Settings”, then select “Storage and Data.”
  • Click “Manage Storage” and you will find a row of WhatsApp contacts on your device. This series of contacts is written in order according to the contact that takes up the largest memory capacity.
  • Click a contact, you will get various files that you have sent or received from that contact. These files can be photos, videos, documents, voice messages and much more.
  • Select which files to delete one by one. Or you can also select all files, by checking “Select All” or “Select All” in the upper right corner.
  • After you delete files in that contact, proceed with deleting files in other contacts.
  • Another way is to go into the folder under the column bar.

There are two folders, namely files that have been forwarded many times and large files. You can delete large files to significantly reduce the amount of cache.

After you delete some files from your device, you will see a decrease in the amount of cache listed in the bar column, and smartphone performance will return to normal.

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