How To Change Default Browser Android

Change Default Browser Android – If you are having trouble wanting to change the default Android browser with another browser such as Google Chrome or Opera Mini on the device you are using, maybe this discussion from us can help you find a solution.

Of course, there are many reasons for you to change the default Android browser, with an application that you like because it is easier and faster for you to use. In addition, most Android users want to use their favorite browser that they usually use.

How To Change Default Browser Android

Indeed, there are usually many default browsers on Android devices that are not full power or may annoy you when you click on a link or link, or you just want to replace it because it follows the current trend.

So, it’s not surprising that sometimes many people are still confused about how to change the default browser Android. Because they are used to the browsers they use on the devices they previously used. We can help you change the default Android browser with another browser, let’s follow each step until the end so you can understand how to do it.

How To Change Default Browser Android

  • Go to Settings on Android
  • Scroll down until you find Application Management
  • Wait a minute and select the default app
  • Select Browser
  • Then select which browser will you choose
  • Done


How easy is it? You can also change back to the default browser on the Android you are using, by following our guide above to be able to use the default browser again.

That’s a simple and easy discussion you can do about how to change the default Android browser. Hopefully useful for you and don’t forget to read our other interesting posts.

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