fn.gg/raf referafriend fortnite com is the latest event in the game Fortnite that presents a new friend program. We will discuss here about referafriend.fortnite.com or fn. gg.raf for you to know, and follow so you can complete challenges and get prizes in the form of an exclusive Xander Skin.
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What is fn.gg/raf referafriend fortnite com?
Epic games presents its newest event, referafriend fortnite com fr, which has just arrived and starting today on January 10 and will be completed until February 11, 2022. During this period you can take part in this event and participate by completing special challenges with your friends, so that you can get exclusive prizes in the games you play.
Epic Games requires you to add 5 friends, so you can join the referafriend.fortnite.com event and play together for approximately 120 minutes in the core mode, namely Fortnite Battle Royale during fn event fn.gg/raf Fortnite by visiting the referafriend.fortnite.com page and for information new event referafriend.fortnite Juli 2022 in HERE.
You and your friends must complete in-game missions with your friends, working together to get exclusive prizes in the Fortnite game. If you want to participate in the referafriend.fortnite.com or fn. gg/referafriend event, we will discuss how to participate in the referafriend.fortnite.com event for you.
How to Register for referafriend fortnite com?
How to register your account at event fn.gg/raf is quite easy, first, you must first visit the site at https://www.referafriend.fortnite.com then you just press the Log in button, after that you log into your Fortnite account and log in using the PlayStation Network.
After that, you will be shown a guide page for participating in event referafriend.fortnite.com fn.gg/raf, and the missions and tasks that you must complete. One of them is that you are required to make connections with your playmates in the Fortnite game, and can immediately complete the tasks that you must do so that you can get prizes.
How to Get Xander Skin for Free
You must complete the mission on fn. gg/ref event, namely by making a connection that rewards loading screens. Then you have to play 1 game with the referee so you can get the Spray prize. You place the top 10 which is 3 times with your referee and you will get a Wrap prize.
Another task is to kill 10 opponents with your referee so you can get a Back Bling prize. To get skins you have to get plus 60 levels until your referee gets plus 60 levels.
That’s the information we can give you about referafriend.fortnite.com, namely event fn. gg/raf which has just arrived in the game Fortnite. Hope it is useful.