Arrival on Planet Namek Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Guide

Arrival on Planet Namek Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Guide – The “Arrival on Planet Namek” is one of the most memorable and exciting parts of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. Just like in the Dragon Ball Z series, the Planet Namek saga is filled with tense battles, dangerous foes, and high-stakes moments. Players get to relive the adventures of Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and other warriors as they confront the powerful Frieza and his army.

Everything you need to know about completing Dragon Ball Sparking Zero’s “Arrival on Planet Namek” task will be covered in this guide. This includes tips on character selection, strategies for battles, how to collect Dragon Balls, and how to defeat key enemies. If you’re looking to make the most of your experience on Namek, this guide will help you do just that.

About the Planet Namek Saga

The Planet Namek arc in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero mirrors the Dragon Ball Z storyline. After the destruction of Planet Vegeta, the evil Frieza takes control of Planet Namek, seeking the legendary Dragon Balls. These Dragon Balls are said to have the power to grant any wish, including immortality, which Frieza desires. Meanwhile, Goku and his friends rush to the planet to stop him and recover the Dragon Balls for themselves.

In Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, the game begins with the arrival of Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma on Namek, followed by Vegeta’s return and Goku’s late arrival after his recovery on Earth. As the story progresses, players will face off against various enemies such as Frieza’s henchmen, the Ginyu Force, and eventually Frieza himself.

Getting Started: Preparing for Namek

Before you begin your adventure on Planet Namek, it’s important to familiarize yourself with your characters and their abilities. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo are key players in this arc, and each brings unique skills and abilities that can be useful in different situations.

  • Goku: Your main hero, Goku’s ability to transform into a Super Saiyan becomes crucial in the final battles. His Kamehameha wave and other energy attacks are essential.
  • Vegeta: As a powerful Saiyan prince, Vegeta starts as an enemy but becomes an invaluable ally on Namek. His power level and combat skills are a great asset.
  • Gohan: Gohan’s potential grows during the Namek saga. While he isn’t as strong as Goku or Vegeta initially, his defensive skills and teamwork with Krillin can turn the tide in many battles.
  • Krillin: A seasoned martial artist, Krillin excels in strategic combat and support roles. He may not be the strongest fighter, but his Destructo Disc attack is very useful.

Upgrading and Customizing Characters

One of the key elements in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is the ability to upgrade and customize your characters. Before starting the Planet Namek missions, ensure that you’ve leveled up your characters, upgraded their movesets, and equipped them with power boosts that will help in combat.

Energy Capsules: Make sure you have enough energy capsules to recover health during longer battles.
Super Attacks: Unlock and equip super attacks such as Goku’s Spirit Bomb or Vegeta’s Galick Gun, as these moves will become critical when facing stronger enemies.

Navigating Planet Namek

The environment of Planet Namek in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero offers both opportunities and challenges. With its vast open spaces, rocky terrains, and flowing rivers, Namek provides plenty of room for airborne battles and energy beam attacks.

Exploring for Dragon Balls
Throughout the Planet Namek saga, one of your objectives is to locate and collect the seven Dragon Balls before Frieza can use them to grant his wish for immortality. These Dragon Balls are scattered across different areas of Namek, and finding them often requires exploring hidden caves or defeating certain enemies to obtain their locations.

Tip: Use the game’s radar system to detect the Dragon Balls’ locations. The radar will give you clues on where to head next. Be prepared for ambushes as you approach each Dragon Ball since Frieza’s army is always one step behind.

Facing Off Against Frieza’s Henchmen

As you progress through the story, you’ll encounter Frieza’s many henchmen, including Zarbon, Dodoria, and the infamous Ginyu Force. Each of these enemies comes with their own set of challenges.

1. Zarbon and Dodoria

Zarbon and Dodoria are Frieza’s right-hand men, and they are the first major enemies you’ll face. Dodoria is slow but powerful, while Zarbon is fast and can transform into a stronger form during battle.

Strategy: Focus on dodging Dodoria’s heavy attacks and hit him from a distance using energy blasts. When facing Zarbon, be prepared to block his fast punches and save your super attacks for his transformed state.

2. The Ginyu Force

The Ginyu Force is a team of elite warriors sent by Frieza to stop Goku and his friends. Every Ginyu Force member has a distinct fighting style:

  • Recoome: Known for his powerful physical attacks. Use long-range energy attacks to avoid his brute strength.
  • Burter: The fastest member of the team. Focus on quick counters to prevent his speed from overwhelming you.
  • Jeice and Guldo: Jeice’s energy blasts and Guldo’s time-stopping ability make them a tough duo. Target Guldo first to prevent him from freezing you in place.
  • Captain Ginyu: The leader of the Ginyu Force can swap bodies with his opponent. Be cautious of his Body Change technique and try to defeat him quickly before he uses it.

The Final Battle: Defeating Frieza

The final battle in the Planet Namek saga is against Frieza, who transforms multiple times during the fight, each form stronger than the last. You’ll need to stay on your toes and adapt to each transformation.

Frieza’s Forms

  • First Form: Frieza’s initial form is relatively easy to deal with, using a combination of energy blasts and close-range attacks.
  • Second Form: Frieza grows in size and strength in this form. Focus on dodging his larger attacks and countering with energy beams.
  • Final Form: In his sleek final form, Frieza becomes extremely fast and powerful. You’ll need to use Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation to stand a chance. Use powerful moves like the Spirit Bomb to weaken Frieza before delivering the final blow.
  • Strategy: Be sure to conserve your energy for the later stages of the fight. Frieza’s final form requires precise timing and well-executed combos to defeat. Make good use of health capsules and special attacks.

Tips for Success on Namek

  • Transform Wisely: Both Goku and Vegeta have transformations that can greatly boost their power. However, these transformations also drain energy over time. Use them strategically, especially during boss fights.
  • Focus on Teamwork: While Goku is the strongest character, don’t forget to use other team members like Vegeta, Gohan, and Piccolo during tougher battles.
  • Use the Environment: Planet Namek’s landscape can be used to your advantage. Hide behind rocks or use the open space to evade incoming attacks.


The “Arrival on Planet Namek” mission in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is one of the most exciting and challenging parts of the game. By following this guide, you’ll be better prepared to collect the Dragon Balls, defeat Frieza’s minions, and face off against the tyrant himself. Whether you’re a new player or a veteran of the Dragon Ball series, this guide will help you maximize your experience on Namek and emerge victorious against all odds.

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